
Welcome to my blog, where you'll read about my family's progress in renovating our home - a custom-built board and batten (minus the battens) house built in 1975 on a rare 5-acre conservation-type piece of property in small town Ontario, boasting spectacular views of the village from the ridge at the back of the property (which I like to call, Ridgeview). When we moved here in the summer of 2010, the house had original carpets, flooring, cabinetry, windows, and decor. All it needed was a little TLC and a creative mind to remodel it, and so we got started...

You'll find links to some helpful home improvement sites and local contractors.

I also write inspirational poetry and quotes...so you'll catch glimpses of some of my work, and find links to my favorite sites and blogs, or you can follow my Poetical Soul blog (click here or the link at the top of the page).

Hope you enjoy your visit.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Snow Fairies

It's snowing again!  I love watching the snow fall - the bigger and fluffier the flakes the better - add a little breeze and watch the flakes dance around before they hit the ground. This site always brings joy and makes me laugh inside, especially in the quiet hours when everyone else is asleep, when all there is to experience is music and the quietness of snowflakes dancing.  Watching the snow dance in the quiet hours inspired me to write this poem:  

Snow Fairies
(©Linda Spencer)
Snow fairies are dancing in the sky
And what a beautiful dance it is
Swirling, twirling all around
Eventually landing on the ground
Not a care do they have,
Those snow fairies many
All they do is dance, and dance plenty
Quickly, slowly, waiting for the wind’s direction
By the millions they come down
And sometime even float up, and circle ‘round
Could watch them for hours, if not for things to do
Join them even, into the midnight hours
As they dance to Nature’s song
Laughing, laughing all the while.
Time to enjoy the snow while it's here!  Happy winter :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Finding the "Pink Bat"

We are often faced with problems - on a daily basis.  The challenge is seeing the solution to those problems, seeing the "pink bat" as in this little clip.  http://www.flickspire.com/m/hwnw/PinkBat.  So next time you're faced with a "problem", think of it as an opportunity...Things always look better when you do.